What to expect in our sessions?
I recommend you contact me and set up a call for a brief consultation. Together we can set up sessions that fit your schedule. The session can be for sixty minutes or for ninety minutes. A goal in utilizing art in therapy is that it increases mindfulness and connects you to yourself for emotional growth and insight. It can encourage connecting to others, utilizing art in a session. It is never about the end product but the process. How we see, imagine and understand ourselves creates bridges to relationships in our personal lives and our professional lives.
Costs and Fees
I meet with clients and families on a confidential and HIPAA compliant platform for counseling. My fee is $200 per session and it is for sixty to ninety minutes. A large group is $600 for a two-hour workshop, and supplies are included.
I accept all credit cards, debit cards, checks, and electronic transfers.
You may purchase my book, Art For Recovery In Relationships, by emailing me directly at memery@atr-therapy.com.